For now, the genome is available at for most tools. Please double check, and if a specific tool seems to be missing the assembly, please post back the tool name/version and we can followup more to come up with a temporary workaround.
The other public usegalaxy.* servers will likely host this index, and many other requested indexes, by the end of this year. Part of that work includes adding in entirely new genomes but also filling in gaps.
The UseGalaxy servers will have all reference indexes synched up soon.
We can ask about this genome specifically but I think the answer will probably still be “soon but not immediately”. Hi @igor – what do you think?
Meanwhile, for immediate use, you can use any reference genome as a Custom Reference Genome. See posts with this tag custom-genome. Try sorting the searched topics by date to find the most recent updated instructions.
Or, you can use the server where the genome is hosted. It is fine to have an account at each server – this grants you more quota space, too!
I wish the ref data will be synched up across UseGalaxy servers!
We received a request for the tomato genome, v.4. NCBI still lists v.3 as the reference assembly, and v.5 is available, plus the GA team is busy with GTA I don’t know how long it might take. We rarely add new ref genomes lately.