Hello @jennaj,
I am having the same problem. I am the admin for the Galaxy instance that we use at our institution. I imported the RNA-seq deg-analysis workflow shared by you earlier in an earlier post from Galaxy workflows. It ran without any errors and generated outputs for the example dataset. However, I had someone double-check the workflow, with data from NCBI. I have another workflow designed to get counts and it ran on this data without any errors. However, when they ran these counts on the above workflow, it gave an error at the goseq stage.
Using manually entered categories.
Error in `[.default`(summary(map), , 1) : incorrect number of dimensions
Calls: run_goseq ... goseq -> reversemapping -> [ -> [.table -> NextMethod
In the above answer, you indicated double-checking my inputs. I have downloaded and looked at it, but is there another way to double-check in Galaxy? The tag “input” didn’t give me many posts.
I compared the input files that are given to goseq with the test dataset and the input files in the case of the example dataset that worked earlier. It looks very similar. Is there anything else I could do? Is there a way I can share the history and objects within so someone can have a look?
Thank you so much!