Trinity de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data

Dear Galaxy Admins,

First of all, I would like to thank a lot for this Great Galaxy server. I was used this to perform my RNA-seq analysis last year, but I am not sure why the server now could not run for this function " [Trinity de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data]" ? Could you please help to check this function?

Many Thanks

Hi @truong128,
Can you give some details about your problem? which server are you using?

Hello Gallardoalba,

Here is the website that I had used for my analysis:

My problem is:

  • I could not run or perform this function: " [Trinity de novo assembly of RNA-Seq data]" for RNA-seq assembly
  • Previously, I usually run this function, and it always showed Perfect Running. But it is now showing like not working anymore!

Please double check it. Many Thanks

Hi @truong128,
certainly, there is a problem with this tool. We are working to fix it.

Hi Gallardoalba,

Thank you very much for your fixing that function. I saw that error happened kind of long almost a year ago
