Then I run HISAT2 using this file as input (single end) fastq and hg38 as index , that’s all, very simple
In it works, in local galaxy it runs forever…
I don’t have any error, just eternal job. This only one thing that I can found this message:
Could not display BAM file, error was:
file has no sequences defined (mode=‘rb’) - is it SAM/BAM format? Consider opening with check_sq=False
Also I try the same run in console and notice the same behavior.
It seems that your computer is running out of resources when running the mapping job locally.
Tools use about the same resources whether run line-command or in Galaxy. The hg38 database is very large, and your input fastq data may be large, too.
Make sure that you set up your local properly to work with large data. Instructions/tutorials for configuration can be found at:
Right now I use AWS instance t3.2xlarge (8 CPU and 32Gb RAM), HISAT2 job has been started more then 4 hours ago, but any result. Also don’t see any errors or etc.
Maybe I missed something, I’m a technical specialist, and unfortunately I do not understand the intricacies of Galaxy.
I have modified file “job_conf.xml”, add “local_slots” option. And noticing, that hisat2 running with “-p 8” option, but only one processor is utilizing and not use RAM.
Thanks for the clarification about your Galaxy, @artem
So you have tested in both a GVL cloud Galaxy instance and a 19.05 local version of Galaxy, same problem (job errors)? But the same job works at the public Galaxy server
Your data is in fastqsanger format and the first read has an exact human genome match (hg19, hg38), so the problem doesn’t seem to be with either of those – unless you manually assigned the datatype to be fastqsanger.gz (compressed fastq). When the assigned datatype is a mismatch for the actual data content, errors are produced.
Try running FastQC to see if it was fully uploaded. If that tool fails, the dataset was likely truncated upon Upload. Loading again is usually how to fix that type of problem. It doesn’t seem like that original dataset is truncated, if it worked at Be sure to use “autodetect” for the datatype assignment.
Indeed, I checked the hisat2 index files, and noticed that there were not enough files, although the Hisat2 index was successful (via Data Manager). I recreated the index and it worked, thanks !!!