Mstrg convertion into gene symbol. Is this possible?

Hello, i am new in bioinformatic analysis and i use galaxy to analyze my rna seq data. I perform rna seq analysis in human milk exosomes. I used STAR for mapping and stringtie for counting my reads. The result came back as MSTRG and i want to make them gene symbols in order to perform differential gene expression analysis with Deseq2. Can someone please help me?

Hi @Georgiapapadim
the human gene annotations are very good. Maybe consider using a known gene annotation, for exmaple, GenCode and featureCounts. You can use stringTie, as well, just do not create new gene annotations. When you select gene annotation, make sure it is for the same version of the genome assembly, as used for the mapping step with RNA_STAR. I assume you used built-in genome index with STAR, so make sure the gene annotation uses chr1, chr2 etc for contig names, not 1, 2 etc.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,