Hello. I’ve been running tools on Galaxy today to analyze bulk RNA-seq data following this pipeline (https://youtu.be/KVh98S89yUU?si=jvBNvbZ-stVoz9-k). I’ve run StringTie on two different datasets and I keep getting this error while trying to generate the Gene and Transcript counts files.
Dataset Error Report
An error occurred while running the tool toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/stringtie/stringtie/2.2.2+galaxy0. Details
Tool generated the following standard error:
/usr/local/bin/prepDE.py:72: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence ‘-’
RE_COVERAGE=re.compile(‘cov “([-+\d.]+)”’)
/usr/local/bin/prepDE.py:75: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence ‘-’
RE_GFILE=re.compile(‘-G\s*(\S+)’) #assume filepath without spaces…
I have sent a bug report to the Galaxy administrator but while I wait for their reply, I was wondering if anybody else has faced the same problem or if somebody has some answers. Is this an issue with my dataset or with the StringTie tool?