Uncaught exception in exposed API method -- UseGalaxy.eu server issue - RESOLVED

Hello, I am getting this error message when trying to run "Map with BWA-MEM " with a fastq file. Could somebody help me?. Thanks in advanced.
The server could not complete the request. Please contact the Galaxy Team if this error persists. Uncaught exception in exposed API method:

“history_id”: “9bbf4c9f6a067ff4”,
“tool_id”: “toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/bwa/bwa_mem/”,
“tool_version”: “”,
“inputs”: {
“reference_source|reference_source_selector”: “cached”,
“reference_source|ref_file”: “hg19”,
“fastq_input|fastq_input_selector”: “single”,
“fastq_input|fastq_input1”: {
“values”: [
“id”: “11ac94870d0bb33ac5a1f754c20927fd”,
“hid”: 9,
“name”: “Filter by quality on data 1”,
“tags”: ,
“src”: “hda”,
“keep”: false
“batch”: false
“rg|rg_selector”: “do_not_set”,
“analysis_type|analysis_type_selector”: “illumina”,
“output_sort”: “coordinate”

Welcome, @jaamdr !
I think the usegalaxy.eu was unstable some minutes ago, I had similar problems but right now my jobs are running and finishing ok.

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We fixed the server a few minutes ago. Now it’s working properly


Hi David,

You are right, the problem is solve now.
Thanks for your answer.

Best regards