read normalization

I generated count data with count feature tool. How do I normalize the reads to total reads per sample using galaxy?

Thank you

Welcome, @Gulcin

I don’t think it is possible with this tool. What is the goal?

Thank you for responding. I am new in this, any help is highly appreciated :slight_smile: I managed to align my reads and then obtain count data. The count per gene varies between replicates, I wanted to normalize it. How shall I proceed to obtain DeSeq data?

Hi @Gulcin

Great, thanks for explaining!

From Featurecounts you can head directly to DESeq2.

We have several examples in the Galaxy Training Network (GTN) tutorials.

You can find these tutorials here.

Then navigate by analysis domain, or explore Pathways.

Or, scroll to the bottom of tool forms to find tutorials that include the target tool.

With a bit of extra help in FAQs at the same training site plus user troubleshooting examples and discussion at this forum.

So that is a lot of information! I would suggesting starting here.

Then if you are completely brand new to Galaxy, or are curious about how to use our workflows, this short introduction tutorial will help to get you oriented.

Hope this helps and you can ask follow up questions! :scientist: